Mentor Program Cohort 2: Middle School Edition
sáb, 15 ene
|306 W Compton Blvd
We are ready to start our next cohort with our Middle School Students starting January 15, 2022 ending March 5, 2022.

Time & Location
15 ene 2022, 13:00 – 05 mar 2022, 16:00
306 W Compton Blvd, 306 W Compton Blvd, Compton, CA 90220, USA
About the Event
Mentorship is so important for the mental health and betterment of our children's future. Focusing on topics such as financial literacy, team building, sex education, higher learning, mentorship, and so much more help equip our kids with the right tools of the mentor program. We would love to have your child be apart of this amazing 8 week mentor program beginning January 15th ending March 5th of 2022.
3 horasIntroduction/Financial Literacy Workshop
3 horasSelf-Care/Self Esteem Workshop
Mentor Registration Fee
Registration Fee includes mentor t-shirt, 8 week program, weekly food/snacks, 1 field trip, overnight retreat.
50,00 US$Comisión de servicio: +1,25 US$Venta finalizada
0,00 US$