Mentor Program Cohort 4, 5, & 6
K-12th Edition
CST's Mentor Program is well on its way with cohorts #4, 5, & 6. We are so excited to house 60 more young people ranging from grades K-12. Our last cohort was amazing with our elementary schoolers so now it is time to pour into our elementary, middle, & high schoolers at the same time but at different locations. The mentor program is comprised of 8 weeks starting July 9th-August 27th every Saturday from 1-4pm. Enroll the next mentee below!
CST is a youth based non-profit organization whose mission is to assist youth ages 5-18 through enrichment, mentoring, tutoring, and so much more that foster's our youth's growth. Through fundraising, marketing, word of mouth, and doing the work, our youth see more and more how bright their future really is.
Mentorship is such an important element of everyone's lives and we want to ensure we can always assist our youth with mentorship in many different ways.
If interested in being a donor or sponsor of our mentor program, please email our founder Christi McDaniel at